Few days back Vkernel releases nice tool, vOPS server explorer and it is for free :-0 , I know, it is not usual to get something good and free of charge from vKernel but this time it is worth to look at it closer.
vOPS server explorer is a virtual appliance running on OpenSuse and it is available in ovf package which you can download from vKernel website. Configuration is very simple and intuitive, like almost every modern tool management interface is accessible over web browser. Â vOPS server explorer is a capacity monitoring and planning tool for virtual environments which gives admin global overview over its virtual infrastructure and highlight a performance or capacity issues which occurring or might occur in near feature.
Lets look at tool itself, what does it offer ?
- Assess the performance, capacity and efficiency health of an environment at a glance
Green squares presents VM without any performance problems whereas Yellow and Red VM’s suffers 🙂
- Gain insight into what is causing performance issues in virtual machines and hosts
As you can see above one of the Red VMs experiencing memory problems, now is your turn to figure out what is a root cause of that problems 🙂
The same situation is when change view to host overview, vOPS tells what is wrong and you must figure out how to fix it.
- Gain insight into capacity of your virtual environment.
From capacity tools shows capacity per ESX host which is a bit tricky because you would have to put all capacity information together to get whole picture for a cluster. Situation changes for standalone hosts. - Efficiency – find out where you can save money
This feature brings a lot of value, from one place you can have overview for all VMs and simply going from one to another a verify resources overallocation on VM.
System requirements:
- 4 vCPU
vKernel overestimated system requirements, I set up 2vCPU and 3GB RAM for 15 hosts and 400 VMs and works OK.
Summary: in general vKernel finally releases a tool which is useful and makes life easier for day to day operational admin work and it is really worth to spend few minutes on configuration to see results.
But however, using vCheck 6.15 will gives further more detailed information than vOPS in Free version.
[box type=”info”]vCheck 6.15 – how to
vKernel website – Additional informations[/box]