My favorite free tool RVTools is available in new version 3.7. It is available to download from . RVTools is .NET application which helps to find out misconfiguration in your virtual kingdom as well as you can use it as reporting tool.
What’s new in RVTools 3.7
- VI SDK reference changed from 5.0 to 5.5
- Extended the timeout value from 10 to 20 minutes for really big environments
- New field VM Folder on vCPU, vMemory, vDisk, vPartition, vNetwork, vFloppy, vCD, vSnapshot and vTools tabpages
- On vDisk tabpage new Storage IO Allocation Information
- On vHost tabpage new fields: service tag (serial #) and OEM specific string
- On vNic tabpage new field: Name of (distributed) virtual switch
- On vMultipath tabpage added multipath info for path 5, 6, 7 and 8
- On vHealth tabpage new health check: Multipath operational state
- On vHealth tabpage new health check: Virtual machine consolidation needed check
- On vInfo tabpage new fields: boot options, firmware and Scheduled Hardware Upgrade Info
- On statusbar last refresh date time stamp
- On vhealth tabpage: Search datastore errors are now visible as health messages
- You can now export the csv files separately from the command line interface (just like the xls export)
- You can now set a auto refresh data interval in the preferences dialog box
- All datetime columns are now formatted as yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
- The export dir / filenames now have a formated datetime stamp yyyy-mm-dd_hh:mm:ss
- Bug fix: on dvPort tabpage not all networks are displayed
- Overall improved debug information
[box type=”download”] Cool Tools – RVTools 3.7 available for download[/box]
Thanks for the info!