UPDATE – 20’th February 2020
The “new” preferred method to disable Nutanix HA on guest VM is to set VM as “Use this VM as an Agent VM“, in virtual machine configuration. The setting basically is pinning VM into the Nutanix AHV host preventing live migration between the hosts and HA triggered restarts.

In the virtual machine configuration file, two entries are indicating VM is an Agent VM. The agent_vm and allow_live_migrate.
<acropolis> vm.get AHV-HA-test
AHV-HA-test {
config {
agent_vm: True
allow_live_migrate: False
Outdated information
Quick post on how to disable or enable HA on Nutanix Acropolis VM.
Disable HA on Nutanix AHV VM
<acropolis> vm.update winxpsp3vmw ha_priority=-1 winxpsp3vmw: complete
Now, VM has been excluded from Acropolis HA and will not be restarted during host failure on surviving hosts in the Nutanix Acropolis cluster.
Quick check on VM configuration to see if change was applied.
<acropolis> vm.get winxpsp3vmw winxpsp3vmw { config { allow_live_migrate: True disk_list { addr { bus: "ide" index: 0 } cdrom: True container_id: 10343366 container_uuid: "2cfc19fa-10d7-40db-8815-ba10baf86cb5" source_vmdisk_uuid: "9533db88-f642-4c36-af88-22eeb91e3b5b" vmdisk_size: 155856896 vmdisk_uuid: "9c60ac90-0b29-4514-9675-76f5c4b2b674" } disk_list { addr { bus: "ide" index: 1 } container_id: 10343366 container_uuid: "2cfc19fa-10d7-40db-8815-ba10baf86cb5" source_nfs_path: "/ctr01/WinXpSp3/WinXpSp3-flat.vmdk" vmdisk_size: 8589934592 vmdisk_uuid: "7f17d32f-a3fa-4edc-b99a-46e663262db4" } ha_priority: -1 max_hotplug_memory_mb: 262144 memory_mb: 1024 name: "winxpsp3vmw" nic_list { mac_addr: "52:54:00:53:24:9b" network_name: "VLAN88" network_uuid: "10793af9-0fcf-4fa7-b1e0-ad3622b2bb18" } num_cores_per_vcpu: 2 num_vcpus: 1 } logical_timestamp: 2 state: "kOff" uuid: "4e0ce49a-ffd4-4d76-be25-f9ca38e5d960" }
Enable HA on Acropolis VM
<acropolis> vm.update winxpsp3vmw ha_priority=0 winxpsp3vmw: complete
Quick check on virtual machine config to see if HA is back
<acropolis> vm.get winxpsp3vmw winxpsp3vmw { config { allow_live_migrate: True disk_list { addr { bus: "ide" index: 0 } cdrom: True container_id: 10343366 container_uuid: "2cfc19fa-10d7-40db-8815-ba10baf86cb5" source_vmdisk_uuid: "9533db88-f642-4c36-af88-22eeb91e3b5b" vmdisk_size: 155856896 vmdisk_uuid: "9c60ac90-0b29-4514-9675-76f5c4b2b674" } disk_list { addr { bus: "ide" index: 1 } container_id: 10343366 container_uuid: "2cfc19fa-10d7-40db-8815-ba10baf86cb5" source_nfs_path: "/ctr01/WinXpSp3/WinXpSp3-flat.vmdk" vmdisk_size: 8589934592 vmdisk_uuid: "7f17d32f-a3fa-4edc-b99a-46e663262db4" } ha_priority: 0 max_hotplug_memory_mb: 262144 memory_mb: 1024 name: "winxpsp3vmw" nic_list { mac_addr: "52:54:00:53:24:9b" network_name: "VLAN88" network_uuid: "10793af9-0fcf-4fa7-b1e0-ad3622b2bb18" } num_cores_per_vcpu: 2 num_vcpus: 1 } logical_timestamp: 4 state: "kOff" uuid: "4e0ce49a-ffd4-4d76-be25-f9ca38e5d960" } <acropolis>