Nutanix products default credentials

If you were looking for default password onto Nutanix products, you got into the right place. Below is a list of Nutanix products along with default usernames and passwords.

If default credentials you are looking for are not on the below list, log in to and search for it in the official product documentation.

Interface Target User name Password
 Nutanix Web Console  Nutanix Controller VM  admin  Nutanix/4u
 vSphere Web Client  ESXi host  root  nutanix/4u
 vSphere client ESXi host  root  nutanix/4u
 SSH client or console ESXi host  root  nutanix/4u
  SSH client or console AHV host  root  nutanix/4u
  SSH client or console Hyper-V host  Administrator  nutanix/4u
SSH client  Nutanix Controller VM  nutanix  nutanix/4u
SSH client  Nutanix Controller VM  admin  Nutanix/4u
SSH console Acropolis OpenStack Services VM  root  admin
SSH console Prism Central  nutanix  nutanix/4u
Nutanix Web interface Prism Central 5.1


Prism Central 5.5







Nutanix Web interface Nutanix Move (Xtract)  admin Nutanix/4u
SSH client Acropolis FSVM (AFS)    
RDP client Hyper-V host Administrator nutanix/4u
SSH client Nutanix Foundation VM nutanix nutanix/4u
Nutanix Web Interface Prism Element* admin admin
Nutanix Web Interface MA Witnes admin Nutanix/4u
SSH client MA witness nutanix nutanix/4u
SSH client Nutanix ERA era Nutanix.1
console Nutanix ERA era Nutanix.1


*  default username and password for Prism Element is a one time password which is valid only on the first time (after Nutanix cluster build) login.

Change log
  • May 2019 – Nutanix ERA password added
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Artur Krzywdzinski

Artur is Consulting Architect at Nutanix. He has been using, designing and deploying VMware based solutions since 2005 and Microsoft since 2012. He specialize in designing and implementing private and hybrid cloud solution based on VMware and Microsoft software stacks, datacenter migrations and transformation, disaster avoidance. Artur holds VMware Certified Design Expert certification (VCDX #077).

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Last edited 3 years ago by Artur Krzywdzinski
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