Upgrade to VMware vSphere 5.5 – Part 1
Upgrade infrastructure from vSphere 5.1 to vSphere 5.5 Scenario: 1x vCenter server (SSO, VUM, vCS, AutoDeploy, Web Client, inventory services) 1x MSSQL server 1 x vShield Manager 1...
Upgrade infrastructure from vSphere 5.1 to vSphere 5.5 Scenario: 1x vCenter server (SSO, VUM, vCS, AutoDeploy, Web Client, inventory services) 1x MSSQL server 1 x vShield Manager 1...
The integration of vCloud Networking and Security (vCNS) with vCAC allows you to assign vCNS security groups and load balancing pools to vSphere (vCenter Server) virtual...
Guide how to deploy windows VM on vCenter server compute resources. Step #1 – Create enterprise group and add compute resources to it Add vCenter resource...
When VMware released vSphere 5.5 packages at the same time VMware vCloud Suite 5.5 become available. When you compare vCloud Suite 5.1 editions with vCloud Suite...
The easiest way to install VMware vSphere 5.5 is use simple installation option. It will install all major vSphere 5.5 components. Good thing is you do...
After long (too long) waiting VMware made vSphere 5.5 Generally Available for download . !!!! [box type=”download”] DOWNLOAD VMware vSphere 5.5 VMware vSphere 5.5 online documentation...
vCloud Automation Center can be used to deploy virtual machines on public cloud provider such as Amazon EC2. Step 1 – obtain the Access key ID...
On a first place or one of the first you should register vCloud director to vCenter SSO and to central user directory such as OpenLDAP or...
vCloud Automation server does not provision only virtual instances but also physical server. Supported vendors are: Cisco UCS – represents pool of machines UCS Manager 2.0...
Installing Self-Service Portal Web site. Installation package is located in vCAC-52-Extensibility.zip package. Extract zip package and run as Administrator –> vCAC-SelfService-Setup.exe follow installation wizard. The Welcome...